23 JAN 2017 by ideonexus
Science VS Conspiracy Information Dissemination Online
Digital misinformation has become so pervasive in online social media that it has been listed by the WEF as one of the main threats to human society. Whether a news item, either substantiated or not, is accepted as true by a user may be strongly affected by social norms or by how much it coheres with the user’s system of beliefs (32, 33). Many mechanisms cause false information to gain acceptance, which in turn generate false beliefs that, once adopted by an individual, are highly resistant...Folksonomies: social networks misinformation
Folksonomies: social networks misinformation
02 SEP 2016 by ideonexus
The Majority Illusion in Social Networks
Social behaviors are often contagious, spreading through a population as individuals imitate the decisions and choices of others. A variety of global phenomena, from innovation adoption to the emergence of social norms and political movements, arise as a result of people following a simple local rule, such as copy what others are doing. However, individuals often lack global knowledge of the behaviors of others and must estimate them from the observations of their friends' behaviors. In some ...Folksonomies: cognitive bias
Folksonomies: cognitive bias
09 NOV 2015 by ideonexus
The Big Gods Hypothesis
...without supernatural enforcement of cooperative, “moral” behavior, ancient Egypt—as well as nearly every other large-scale society in history—wouldn't have been able to get off the ground. All-knowing big gods are “crazily effective” at enforcing social norms, says Norenzayan's collaborator Edward Slingerland, a historian at UBC Vancouver. “Not only can they see you everywhere you are, but they can actually look inside your mind.” And once big gods and big societies existed...Folksonomies: civilization theology
Folksonomies: civilization theology
05 AUG 2013 by ideonexus
Social Networks "Flatten" Social Structures
Visibility has its cost; in order to make broader social networks vis-
ible, Friendster flattens those networks, collapsing relationship types and contexts into the ubiquitous “Friend.” More problematically, Friendster does not provide ways of mapping or interpreting the contextual cues and social structural boundaries that help people manage their social worlds. Physi- cal distance, to abstract from the obvious, is not just an obstacle to build- ing social relations but is also the dimen...Folksonomies: information technology social networking
Folksonomies: information technology social networking
They create a new form of interaction, where people do not know the rules; therefore, they resort to experimentation to learn how to interact.
27 JUN 2011 by ideonexus
Social Norms and Psychological Disorders
Before 1980, this would have seemed a strange question. Social anxiety disorder did not officially exist until it appeared in that year’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the DSM-III, the psychiatrist’s bible of mental disorders, under the name “social phobia.” It was not widely known until the 1990s, when pharmaceutical companies received F.D.A. approval to treat social anxiety with S.S.R.I.’s and poured tens of millions of dollars into advertising its existence. The current v...Shyness becomes "Social Anxiety Disorder" because we live in a society that values outgoing people over people who are introspective.
03 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
If Nurture, Why Not More Variation in Human Culture?
Humanity is, of course, morally free to make and remake itself infinitely, but we do not do so. We stick to the same monotonously human pattern of organizing our affairs. If we were more adventurous, there would be societies without love, without ambition, without sexual desire, without marriage, without art. without grammar, without music, without st smiles—and with as many unimaginable novelties as are in that list. There would be societies in which women killed each other more often than...If humans have free will, then there should be cultures without love, musics, and other social norms.